Specialist competence in labor law and HR matters.

We provide preventive support in the form of review of employment contracts, personnel handbooks, work environment work, wage formation, etc. If the business has an urgent problem with an employee, trade union, the Work Environment Agency or perhaps has been sued in court, we are here for you. Depending on the extent of your needs, we have three services.

Labour lawyer

For those of you that have an immediate need for assistance in resolving a labour law dispute or issue.

HR-manager on subscription

For those of you who want to prevent problems by having access to an HR-manager at an hourly bank to use when your business requires it.

Interim solutions

For those of you whose business needs the temporary support of an expert in labour law or HR.


As our customer, we ensure that you are constantly informed about news in labour law or current affairs. Please take a look at some of the courses we have given.


Det nya lönetransparensdirektivet som antagits av EU syftar till att stärka principen om lika lön för kvinnor och män som utför lika eller likvärdigt arbete, likalöneprincipen. Genom att skapa ökad insyn i lönesättningen och förhindra lönediskriminering och ojämlikheter i löner, är förhoppningen att främja ett mer jämställt arbetsliv. Det nya direktivet ska vara implementerat i svensk rätt senast juni 2026, och i maj 2024 väntas utredningen vara klar om hur det ska implementeras.


I takt med att julen närmar sig väcks frågor kring gåvor och julfirande. Det är viktigt för både arbetsgivare och anställda att förstå de regler och riktlinjer som gäller för julklappar, bonusar, oönskade och önskade gåvor, samt hur dessa hanteras ur ett skatte- och arbetsrättsligt perspektiv.


Med anledning av det oroliga läget i vårt närområde kan det vara av intresse för dig som arbetsgivare att få lite information om vad som i dag gäller vid ledighet från arbetet för att delta i aktiviteter för uppbyggnaden av vårt totalförsvar. Det är också läge att informera sig om vad som gäller på arbetsrättens område om regeringen beslutar om skärp eller högsta beredskap.

Our customer cases

We have been helping employers since 2018. We get our first contact with many employers in court disputes, while others come to us to prevent problems, and sometimes we take on interim assignments.

Customer case - HR manager on subscriptions

The olympic medalists Peder Fredricson and Lisen Bratt Fredricson are two big names within equestrian sports. To be able to fully focus on their profession, they have chosen to use our service “HR-manager on subscription”. We take care of the personnel matters and the labour law to ensure it won’t be an obstacle towards future success.

Customer case - Interim solutions

When the corona pandemic incapacitated the world during 2020, the hospitality industry was one of the sectors that were hit the hardest. This resulted in VISTA, ( the hospitality sector’s employers association) being drowned with questions from desperate members of the association. In order to handle the situation, VISITA chose to take help from us at MBL 11.

Customer case - Employment law lawyer

A salesperson chose to sue his company, claiming his termination because of redundancy of work in reality constituted fictitious redundancy. We represented the company as their legal representatives throughout the process in both the District Court and the Swedish Labour Court. The matter resulted in a victory for the company in the Swedish Labour Court: court case AD 2020 nr 2.