Labour lawyer
Is your business in need of a labour law expert or lawyer to resolve an urgent labour law case?
Have you received letters from a court or a request for negotiation from a trade union?
We can help you regardless of the branch and wherever your business is located in Sweden. We have experience from thousands of negotiations with Swedish trade unions and we have represented employers in a majority of the Swedish district courts. We charge you per hour and can guide you through how a dispute works, different options and solutions, and also costs and risks if or when you are involved in a court case.
Everything claimed is not true
Swedish labour law is not simple: There are many laws such as ‘’Medbestämmandelagen’’, ‘’Lagen om anställningsskydd’’, ‘’Uthyrningslagen’’ and ‘’Semesterlagen’’. There are also about 1000 different collective agreements that are more or less difficult to interpret. This causes confusion and uncertainty when an employee uses Google or talks to a colleague or neighbour.
This means that claims made by employees or a trade union representative often need a review, so that you as an employer know what is actually applicable. Claims are often based on opinions or common sense, which is rarely applicable in labour law.
We find facts, solutions or other ways out. Our advice gives you room for flexibility to resolve the issue or dispute effectively. If it is possible, it is preferable to resolve a dispute before it ends up in court, but if the case already is in court – you can remain calm. We have the experience and the expertise, we specialize exclusively in labour law!

Interested in talking to us?
We have many years of experience helping employers in labor law disputes. Do not hesitate to make a free meeting with us and we will tell you how we can help you.