Interim solutions
Does the business have any vacancies, does any colleague have a long time off, or is it just a lot of work right now? This makes it possible to use one of us on an interim assignment. Our specialist competencies are labour law, negotiation and HR.
Does the business have any vacancy, does any colleague have a long time off, or is it just a lot of work right now?
A majority of our interim assignments have been with employer organisations within ‘’Svenskt Näringsliv’’. We also have interim assignments as HR-managers for employers.
Startup of HR-organisation
In the end, any growing employer comes to the conclusion that you need to build and establish a resource responsible for the HR-issues in the business. Maybe it feels a little bit too much to have a full time employee for this in the beginning? We will gladly take longer assignments (for example one or two days a week) to build up the business and perhaps deal with issues that have been waiting for a solution.
Our assignments can be fixed-term or on going with a 3 month notice period – choose what suits your business best. Do not hesitate to contact us, and we will set up the colleague who best suits your particular task.
Our most frequent assignments so far have been qualified negotiation services, labour law experts and HR management assignments. The assignments can be found in the private sector, municipally owned companies and employer’s associations. We therefore have experience from hotels and restaurants, hospitality industry, wood and furniture, graphic industry, industrial and chemical companies, the food industry and others.
Temporary help?
We have interim experience as negotiators and labor law experts from various employers’ organizations. We also have experience as interim HR. How can we help you?